[FREE] Time Management for Knowledge Workers and IT professionals



Do you have a dream and want it to come true? Then this course is for you!

If you have a dream, you understand that life is too short to waste! In the course we will discuss simple practices that will enable you to increase your efficiency and productivity, and eventually achieve your long-term goals. The course will enable you to assemble your own productivity system based on workings of our mind that you will experience firsthand.

- How our brain works – fast and slow thinking, monkey and elephant;

- Multitasking and its effects;

- Brain fuel and ego depletion concept, limiting our Work In Progress (WIP);

- The "Pomodoro" technique for focusing on tasks at hand;

- 2 minutes rule;

- 4D (Delete, Delegate, Do, Defer) decision making model for tackling tasks;

- Next action decision making for projects;

- Why any change is hard – the emotional cycle of change;

- Motivation, hedonic adaptation and the power of vision;

- How to fight procrastination;

- Bullet Journal technique for using a notebook to capture all your tasks and thoughts;

- The 12 Week Year goal setting and how to use it to achieve your long-term goals.

You will acquire a broad toolset to move towards your goals.

As a bonus you will receive:

- A cheat sheet with 50 productivity lifehacks

- Templates for the Pomodoro technique & 12 Week Year.


He is a Christ Believer who has passion in Jesus words and loves writing about Jesus, Word Of Esperience, Living a life in a Godly way and every words related with the bible. He is the Chief Editor of GodlyTutor.

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