[FREE] Build an Expense Reporting App (No-Code App)



Learn to build a customized expense reporting app for each employee (or for yourself!) to keep track of costs and receipts, assigning each receipt to individual categories of spending (i.e. gas, meals, etc.)

The no-code drag and drop template provides many customization options, including a map display of the location of each saved receipt image.

This Bubble-esque, no-code app pulls user data from the provided spreadsheet or from your own existing spreadsheet, which makes it easy for multiple users to enter data for your app. In fact, this platform is even easier to use than Bubble visual programming!

This course contains actionable steps to bring your business into the 21st Century with an Android/iOS mobile app. No prior programming, app design, or business knowledge is required.

Being a newer course (October 2020) I'm offering this low introductory rate. But I have every intention of becoming the #1 app building course on Udemy, so I'll have the ability to increase my rates soon. Many courses in the app-building niche are priced around $100.

As always, if you don't get positive results using what you learn here in the first 30 days after you purchase the course, you will get all of your money back, no questions asked! That's how confident I am that you will find this introductory course useful.


He is a Christ Believer who has passion in Jesus words and loves writing about Jesus, Word Of Esperience, Living a life in a Godly way and every words related with the bible. He is the Chief Editor of GodlyTutor.

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