[100% OFF] Facebook Advertisement - from Beginner to Pro



This course is divided in 3 modules:

1- Introduction


3- advanced

Here's A Sneak Peek Inside The "Introduction" Training Program:

In this section we will discuss about this items:

  • Why Choose Facebook Ads?

  • The Basics You Need to Know Before Creating Your First Facebook Ad Campaign

  • How Does Facebook’s Ad System Operate

  • How To Get Started On Your Facebook Ad Marketing Campaign

  • Create Your Facebook Page And Your Business Account

  • Access The Facebook Ads Manager

  • Create A Facebook Ad Campaign

  • Create An Ad And Run Your Campaign

  • Monitor Your Campaign Carefully

  • Effective Facebook Advertising Tips And Ideas

Refer to Ebook in the RESOURCES to more explanations about the Introduction section.

Here's A Sneak Peek Inside The "Beginners" Training Program:

1 – FB Marketing Kickstarter

Evergreen FB Marketing Formula

How To Create Your BF Business Account

How To Create Your FB Page

FB Page Crash Course

How To Create FB Pixel And Add To Your WordPress

2 – Ad Creation & Targeting Mastery

Setting Up Your Ads Manager Column Breakdown

Understanding Ads Manager & Objectives

Create Campaign “Conversions” For Lead Generation

How To Write Your Ad Creatives

How To Duplicate Ad Set Correctly

How To Delete Unused Page Posts

3 – Retargeting & Lookalike Secrets

How To Create Custom Audience

How To Create Retargeting Ads & Save Lost Traffic

ADVANCED Retargeting Method

How To Create Lookalike Audience

4 – Optimization and Scaling

How To Tweak Your Ad Targeting

How To Tweak Your Ad Creative

How To Spy On Competitors FB Ads

What To Do If Your FB Business & Ad Account Got Banned (And How To Prevent)

Here's A Sneak Peek Inside The "ADVANCED" Training Program:

While the Facebook Ads  was made for beginners just starting in Facebook advertising, these videos answer the coming challenges you will face as you scale to spending hundreds or thousands of dollars per day while remaining profitable.

For beginners, you will usually start with a low budget to run your Facebook ads. But eventually when the time comes for you to scale your offer with a bigger budget, you will come across problems such as your ad account being disabled, profit margin becomes thinner and things like when and how to split test your ads.

With this upgrade Training, will help you prepare to scale your business to possibly 6-7 figures a year! You need to think long term and if you want your business to have massive returns, you must be willing to invest and work towards it as well.

In This Training Course, You Will Discover:

01 - Security Measure - How To Set Ad Spend Limit [3:08]

02 - How To Spy On FB Ads - Page Transparency [4:43]

03 - How To Optimize And Split Test FB Ads [8:44]

04 - How To Duplicate Ad Sets Correctly [11:01]

05 - How To Create Custom Audience [12:36]

06 - How To Add Customer List To Audiences [5:05]

07 - How To Create Lookalike Audience [6:06]

08 - How To Do FB Retargeting [6:09] EBOOK INCLUDED

09 - Campaign Budget Optimization (CBO) [6:37]

10 - How To Delete Unused Page Posts [3:22]

11 - What To Do If FB Ad Account Disabled [5:46]

12 - What To Do With Hater Comments [1:21]

13 - How To View Breakdown [5:55]

14 - FB Ad Hacks [17:23]


He is a Christ Believer who has passion in Jesus words and loves writing about Jesus, Word Of Esperience, Living a life in a Godly way and every words related with the bible. He is the Chief Editor of GodlyTutor.

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