[FREE] Java Programming - Master Java Basics

This is the first part of fundamental training program 'Java from Zero to First Job'.  As it's declared in the course name, it's created for people who want to learn programming from scratch. You need to know how to turn on your computer, no other knowledge is required for this course :) The rest will be covered in lessons.
Before starting creation of this course, our team attentively investigated feedbacks for existing courses on Udemy platform and tried to focus on the feedbacks for the top-rated courses to understand what can be improved in this course and make it even more better from the quality standpoint. After analysis, we understand what will help students to learn Java in more efficient way. In this course:
- High concentration of useful material in each lesson
Sometimes you can notice that watching of 5 minutes of our lesson is equivalent to watching of other 30 minutes lesson.
This is because time spent for preparation for the lesson (script for the lesson, lesson structure) and video editing (to cut boring pieces of the lesson, or time when program loads) sometimes 10 times as much (sometimes even 20) as final lesson duration after video editing.
So you can be sure, that this ~4 hours training course of Java basics is equivalent or even better of training courses of java basics that are 20 hours long.
Also each topic is separated from another. In case some concept will be explained in the next lesson and you don't need to worry about understanding this in scope of this lesson - instructor will make announcement when specific topic will be covered.
Go and try it yourself! We will appreciate your feedback.
- Sequence of lessons
After the years of teaching offline, and based on the feedbacks of students who are passing online courses we realized how important the sequence of lessons while teaching Java. The same issue is with the books where information is completely unstructured what makes things even more complex. For example, how students can learn object oriented programming from the first lesson if they don't know yet the java syntax basics? Or how student can implement hometask if he/she doesn't aware of java methods specifics, or doesn't know yet how to read program input?
So in this course you can be sure, that you will not get hometask to implement without having enough information to implement it. The program which is in this course is proven by many students who completed it offline and now work as software engineers in outsourcing companies and as a freelancers.
- Open source code
We hide nothing from our students! Including the source code for the hometask solutions and source code of examples which were shared during the lesson. Having the source code you can just copy and paste it to run it on your local computer to understand how things work better.
- Free mobile App without limits for our students
Knowing Java is one skill. Be able to pass interview in company - that is another skill :) Nowadays a lot of companies use tests to select candidates on the first level of interview. We developed application to practice skills specifically for such purposes.
In this course we will provide you link to download our FREE mobile app for android. (soon it will be also available for iOS platforms)
Instructor of this course come up with hundreds tests which are used to test knowledge of candidates. With this application you will be well-prepared for the interview.
Also, only for our students - there is no limit on attempts to pass certification. In the course we will tell you how to set up special bonus code which will remove restrictions for our students inside the app.

As you can see from curriculum, in this part of fundamental training program you will learn how to install JDK on your computer, you will learn a lot about IDE where you can write you programs, you will learn Java syntax, primitive types of data, loops, control statements, arrays, operations with primitive and reference types of data, String, Enum, how to write methods in Java, different number systems, tips and tricks, practical coding exercises, debugging tools and lots more.
So don't wait! Enroll in this FREE training course!
Hope you enjoy this course! And remember, we appreciate all your feedbacks! Your feedbacks will help us to become even more better! Your feedbacks will help us to create to best Java course ever!
See you on the lessons! :)

He is a Christ Believer who has passion in Jesus words and loves writing about Jesus, Word Of Esperience, Living a life in a Godly way and every words related with the bible. He is the Chief Editor of GodlyTutor.

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