[FREE] How to Create a WordPress Website Using Elementor

In this course, you will learn how to create your WordPress website using Elementor. WordPress will be our content management system (CMS), and we will use Elementor as our page builder.

WordPress is a very versatile content management system with it you can create almost any type of website. In this course, I will focus on creating a personal blog, but once you learn this, you will be able to create a business website as well.

To create beautiful looking pages such as home, about, contact us, etc we will use Elementor. It's a WordPress page builder plugin that offers limitless design possibilities. It includes a lot of useful widgets, templates library, mobile editing toolset, and a visual revision history feature.

What you will learn in this WordPress Elementor course

At the beginning of this course, you will learn some information for beginners about domain names, hosting, and WordPress. So if you don't have any knowledge about these things, this will be your chance to learn something new.

Setting up your hosting and installing WordPress

In this part of the course, you will learn how to set up your hosting and install WordPress. I will walk you through every step, so you would understand how everything works. For this course, I will use Hostinger as our hosting provider, because it's affordable, reliable, and I believe it's a good choice for beginners. Besides that, you will get a free domain name and SSL certificate.

If you want to have a professional-looking and trustworthy WordPress website, you should have an SSL certificate. Since we will get for free, I will show you how to install and activate it. If you are not sure what it is, it's a gray padlock next to your URL, which indicates that your connection is secure.

Every hosting has its dashboard, or in other words, panel. At first, everything might look very confusing because there is a lot of different settings. That's why I will walk you through the most important settings, which you might use in the future. You will learn how to access your files, database, add more websites, and much more.

Every WordPress blog administrator should have a business email. In this course, you will learn how to create an unlimited number of email accounts with your domain name. With business email, you will look way more professional while communicating with other people.

Starting with WordPress

Before moving on to working with Elementor, I will cover the fundamentals of WordPress. I will walk you through the dashboard, and I will show you the most important settings. You will learn how to install themes and plugins to your WordPress website.

There are a lot of different themes that you can use to create your unique WordPress blog. In this course, I will use an Astra theme. It's compatible with Elementor, and it is easy to use.

Starting with Elementor

Elementor is a page builder plugin, and we will use it to create such pages as home, about, and contact us. Once you learn how to create these pages, you will have enough skills to create any page you want.

This page builder has both free and paid versions. In this course, I will be using a free version. You will learn how to use various page elements to create any page you like. We will create a homepage from scratch so you would understand better how Elementor works. To create such pages as about and contact us we will use Astra templates, which we will edit using Elementor. This way, you will have a better understanding of how this page builder plugin works.

Customizing your WordPress blog

Even though we will use a free version of the Astra theme, we will be able to create a quite unique-looking website. I will show you how you can customize your WordPress website using customization options. You will learn how to change the colors, the layout, the style of header, and some other settings.

I will show you how to add social media profiles to your WordPress website, so your visitors could find you there as well. You will learn how to include social media share buttons on your blog posts. By adding these two things to your WordPress blog, your website will become more social media-friendly.

Adding content to your WordPress blog

Usually, WordPress beginners have a difficult time understanding the difference between pages and blog posts. In this course, I will explain how they are different, and what type of information you should add to them.

You will learn how to use the latest WordPress text editor to add blog posts. I will walk you through content blocks that you can use to add images, quotes, embed videos, tables, headings, paragraphs, etc.

WordPress SEO for beginners

It's not enough to add content to your WordPress blog if you want to get organic traffic. That's why I will show you how you can optimize your content so you will have better chances to appear in a higher position of Google search results. You will learn what keywords are and how you can use them to your advantage to attract organic visitors.

We will install the Yoast SEO plugin on our WordPress website, and I will show you the most important settings. Later we will use this plugin to add meta description and meta title to our WordPress blog posts. As well with this plugin, we will be able to check how our blog posts look in Google search results.

I will share with you two tools that you can use to do keyword research. With these tools, you will be able to understand how popular are your targeted keywords. Besides that, you will get some ideas for your WordPress blog posts.

You have to know how much traffic you are getting and where it's coming from if you want to have a successful WordPress website. By using Google Analytics, you can easily access this information. I will show you how to add it to your WordPress blog. Insights of Analytics will help you to understand your visitors better.

As well, you will learn how to claim your website with Google Search Console. By using this tool, you can track the performance of your keywords, and much more. Also, Google will notify you about errors on your website, which needs your attention.

He is a Christ Believer who has passion in Jesus words and loves writing about Jesus, Word Of Esperience, Living a life in a Godly way and every words related with the bible. He is the Chief Editor of GodlyTutor.

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