[FREE] How to Become a Certified Copywriter in 1 Day

Maybe you found out that copywriters make A LOT of money?
Or maybe you're struggling to sell your products or services because you just don't know how?
Then this course is for you! 
A copywriter is someone who takes the reader to take action through his or her play of words. This action may be to purchase a product or service, to subscribe to a newsletter, or to participate in something.
Ever seen an ad that convinced you to buy what was being sold?
You barely even hesitated.
You just BOUGHT.
Chances are, a copywriter was behind that campaign! 
Copywriting is NOT the same as just writing though. Sure, you can write, but CAN YOUR WRITING SELL?
This is what this course is for.
By the end of this course, you will learn:
  • The basics of copywriting
  • The stages of a winning campaign
  • How to hypnotize your prospect to buy from you with your words
  • How to write sales letters that actually get replies
  • How to write emails that get opened and read
  • How to write blogs that get clicked and read
  • How to write for online sales pages to get high conversions
BONUS Materials include:
  • How much copywriters can make freelancing (hint: it's A LOT!)
  • Sample winning copy materials
*My name is Reese. I'm a lawyer, professor and certified direct-response copywriter. I love to write and I love to teach. But the thing is, I have a VERY short attention span, and a lot of courses out there bore me out of my mind!
Don't get me wrong. Learning is beautiful, but some lessons just make you want to take a nap!
Remember when you once struggled with algebra as a kid? Then when you grew up, you realized you never needed it anyway?
Seriously, the world would be a much better place if we were just taught what we NEEDED and WANTED to know in just a few minutes.
Who EVEN has time to go through several minutes of lecture?
I know I don't! 
Hence this course! 
I made sure to cut through the noise and just give you the facts as they are. Each video is less than 10 minutes long. In fact, most are under 5 minutes.
This way, you won't be struggling to get out of your seat. ;)
To make sure that you get the most of this course, please check out the attached PDFs, and do your assignments. If you need any help and feedback, you may message me here on Udemy, and I will gladly check it out and get back to you.
To make sure that you understood the modules, don't forget to also quiz yourself! And of course, PRACTICE. Don't be afraid to test things out.
I look forward to seeing you in class and joining me. I've gotchu!

He is a Christ Believer who has passion in Jesus words and loves writing about Jesus, Word Of Esperience, Living a life in a Godly way and every words related with the bible. He is the Chief Editor of GodlyTutor.

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