[FREE] Wordpress Website For Beginners: Learn To Build A Website

Welcome to our Wordpress Website For Beginners: Learn To Build A Website course!
This course will teach you how to create a Wordpress website from scratch and will cover everything you need to know from the very beginning of buying a website domain name, all the way to installing plugins to protect your website and then finally publishing and launching your website!
If you've ever wanted to create your own website, Wordpress is the way to do it if you want professional results without diving into complex coding, or needing to know any code at all! In this course, we'll walk you through, step-by-step, on how to set everything up in Wordpress, to get your website live, including e-mail!
In this course, you will learn:
  • What a domain is & how to buy one
  • What hosting is & how to purchase it
  • How to install Wordpress and a Wordpress template theme
  • How to install an SSL certificate on your website to make it more secure & to help it rank higher on Google & other search engines
  • How to customize various elements in the theme like banners, titles, different sections, social media links, contact forms, blog pages, posts
  • What the best Wordpress plugins are to install and use
  • How to setup your own custom e-mail such as contact@YOURCOMPANYNAME.com
  • How to navigate through the various pages and sections of Wordpress
and more!
Your instructor for this course is Will Bartlett, who has been involved in media and design work since 2004. He runs several established businesses, each with its own self created & managed professional website and e-mail accounts.
Enrol today to learn how to build your very own professional looking modern Wordpress website from scratch!

He is a Christ Believer who has passion in Jesus words and loves writing about Jesus, Word Of Esperience, Living a life in a Godly way and every words related with the bible. He is the Chief Editor of GodlyTutor.

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