[FREE] God Is Love & He Loves You | Dr. David Jeremiah |Bible Class

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God Is Love & He Loves You with Dr. David Jeremiah | Refocusing on God in Times of Uncertainty
From the series, God Loves You – He Always Has, and He Always Will
In this brief course Dr. David Jeremiah shares his heart and introduces  the foundational truth about love – that God is love. To say that God is love does not just mean God loves. It means that His loving actions are the same as His very essence and nature. God does not have to decide to love – He is love. And His love is different from the love of human beings. He loves unconditionally.
We say "God is love," but do we really believe that? Does it make any difference in our lives? Do we actually live as though God's love were conditional? In today’s society, it difficult to understand the magnitude of God’s love for us.
In lesson one from the series God Loves You: He Always Has, He Always Will, Dr, Jeremiah challenges us to consider God's passionate and personal love for all mankind. This series focuses on 10 different dimensions of love as manifested by the God who is love. When we understand God's love for us, we are empowered to then share it with others.

Section 1 – Introduction to “God Is Love”
I. The Declaration of God’s Love
II. The Description of God’s Love
A. God’s Love Is Uncaused
B. God’s Love Is Unreasonable
C. God’s Love Is Unending
D. God’s Love Is Unlimited
E. God’s Love Is Unchanging
F. God’s Love Is Uncomplicated
G. God’s Love Is Unconditional
III. The Direction of God’s Love
A. God Loves His Son
B. God Loves Israel
C. God Loves Those Who Believe in Christ
D. God Loves the World
E. God Loves You

Section 2 – Course Resources, Articles, and Study Guides
Interview with Dr. David Jeremiah
Overview of the Books of the Bible – Genesis thru Revelation
Small Group Discussion Guide
Bonus Lecture | Dr. David Jeremiah | Southern California Seminary
Dr. David Jeremiah, Chancellor of Southern California Seminary
Dr. David Jeremiah is among the most well-known Bible teachers in the world. He serves as senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church in El Cajon, California. His popular radio and television Bible-teaching program, Turning Point, is broadcast internationally on more than 2,200 stations. A New York Times best-selling author and Gold Medallion winner, he has written more than 50 books, including God Loves You--He Always Has, He Always Will.

He is a Christ Believer who has passion in Jesus words and loves writing about Jesus, Word Of Esperience, Living a life in a Godly way and every words related with the bible. He is the Chief Editor of GodlyTutor.

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