[FREE] COVID-19 Where Is God in This Pandemic? | Dr. David Jeremiah

Pandemics and natural disasters remind us that God doesn’t intend for this fallen earth with its death, disaster, and corruption to be our permanent home. Dr. David Jeremiah reminds us that we can face these trials if the God of heaven and earth is the Lord of our crisis. God is our best hope in this time of grief and pain.
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COVID-19 | Where Is God in This Pandemic?
This course examines the problem of evil and the existence of God; as well as our responsibilities to repent, reflect on God’s goodness, respond to the hurting, remember God’s promises, and to rely on God’s presence and His power to overcome fear and anxiety.
Section 1 – I. Natural Disasters and the Reality of God
A. God Cannot Be Divorced from Disasters
1. God Employs the Elements of Nature in the Operation of the World
2. God Employs the Elements of Nature in His Opposition to Evil
B. God Cannot Be Discredited by Disasters
C. God Cannot Be Defined by Disasters
D. God Cannot Be Defeated by Disasters
Section 2 – II. Natural Disasters and the Responsibilities of Man
A. Disasters Teach Us to Repent of Our Sin
B. Disasters Teach Us to Reflect on God’s Goodness
C. Disasters Teach Us to Respond to the Hurting
D. Disasters Teach Us to Remember God’s Promise
E. Disasters Teach Us to Rely on God’s Presence and His Power
F. Conclusion – Psalm 46:1-3
Section 3 – III. Small Group Discussion Guide and Additional Materials
Small Group Discussion Guide
Bonus Lecture | Dr. David Jeremiah | Southern California Seminary
Passages examined: Job 1:1-19; Job 37:6-12; Isaiah 46:9-11; Romans 8:28; Revelation 21:3-4; Job 19:35-37; Job 42:5-6; and Psalm 46:1-3
Dr. David Jeremiah, Chancellor of Southern California Seminary
Dr. David Jeremiah is among the most well-known Christian leaders in the world. He serves as senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church in El Cajon, California and his radio program "Turning Point" is heard on more than 2,200 radio stations daily. A New York Times best-selling author and Gold Medallion winner, he has written more than 50 books found on Amazon.

He is a Christ Believer who has passion in Jesus words and loves writing about Jesus, Word Of Esperience, Living a life in a Godly way and every words related with the bible. He is the Chief Editor of GodlyTutor.

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