[100% OFF] The Complete Resume and CV Writing Course: Get the ideal Job

Kathryn Troutman, Resume Expert - Instructor - The Complete Resume and CV Writing Course: Get the ideal Job
TJ Walker, Presentation Coach; Interview Preparation Instructor
Learn the Art and Science of Resume and CV Writing - Job Search Skills, LinkedIn and Interview Skills all Included
The Pandemic has caused Career Change plans. Many jobseekers from Hospitality, Transportation are changing their fields into new careers. You will see BEFORE and AFTER resumes for Career Change Resumes.
Resume and Career Coach Expert, Kathryn Troutman teaches quick lessons on FINDING KEYWORDS.... How to add them to your resume ... How to be quick about it.  Resume Keywordsare mystery to most jobseekers. 
Many of the lectures include documents with keywords for your resume. See her documents - the keywords - they are available for you to download and study. It's critical in today's job market to take a few minutes to target each resume carefully.
LinkedIn Resumes are designed for Career Change with New Skills, Certifications and Projects. Learn her best tips to match the LinkedIn resume to your future career.
Cover letters are key to stand out and show that you can write and target the new industry. And watch her create a cover letter in 5 minutes based on a recruitment advertisement! These lectures will make a HUGE difference in tweaking your resume, getting found by AI and getting phone calls and emails back from recruiters.

He is a Christ Believer who has passion in Jesus words and loves writing about Jesus, Word Of Esperience, Living a life in a Godly way and every words related with the bible. He is the Chief Editor of GodlyTutor.

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