[FREE] Practical Digital Marketing Course

Along with the expansion of the new-age digital media, Digital Marketing has become the preferred choice of companies. Growing challenges, opportunities and competition have made businesses take new steps towards marketing. This, in turn, has increased the demand for Digital Marketers.
This course on Digital Marketing Strategy helps current and potential digital marketers gain holistic knowledge about all the Digital Marketing trends. It covers the core concepts in Digital Marketing Strategy, Social Media Marketing, Online Reputation Management, Google Analytics. You will also learn how to analyze web data, create an effective marketing strategy and build an operational roadmap to help businesses grow. Through concept videos, case studies and assessments, you will develop skills and become job-ready for Digital Marketing.

What you’ll learn

  • Will be able to Identify digital marketing strategies that have the potential to win.
  • Will be able to Run digital marketing campaigns under stringent budgets.
  • Will be able to Strategize and create a holistic digital marketing plan that will complement and add to their offline marketing strategy.
  • Can Build and maintain a cohesive digital media presence for your brands in line with their objectives.
  • Can Monitor, Measure and Optimize performance of your digital media campaigns, both organic and paid.
  • Learn how to buy and sell ad inventory in real time manner to make efficient transactions and achieve desired ROI.


He is a Christ Believer who has passion in Jesus words and loves writing about Jesus, Word Of Esperience, Living a life in a Godly way and every words related with the bible. He is the Chief Editor of GodlyTutor.

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