[100% OFF] How Create An Amazing WordPress Blog & FREE Domain!

In this video, I am going to show you how you can start a blog. I'm going to give you a free domain to do it and I'm also going to show you the very best way to create blog posts quickly and easily with no hassle. You've never done this before. This is going to be the easiest way to ever create a blog.

I wish I knew this when I started. I'm going to share with you how quick is to create a blog post, how fast you can get every blog post up and running and plus you don't even have to do it yourself.  I'm going to show you the easiest way of doing this and then after all of that and goodness, I'm then going to show you how you can do it yourself, how you can start, and then you can follow along with me again and get this running is going to be amazing.

I can't wait to show you. Let's get going. Okay, so the first thing I want to show you is the best resource for any images that you want to use on your blog. This is the most incredible website I've ever, ever used since I've been doing this, and this is unsplash we love these guys. They're amazing because it's completely free. The quality of these images is just incredible.

They use photographers from all around the world. Just take a look at these images. They speak for themselves. Look at this. They are just incredible and there's all kinds of genres. There are all kinds of subjects. There's product images, there's images of the ocean, mountains of beautiful rivers and waterfalls. There's even images of London buses.

There is absolutely everything that you're looking for here from wallpapers, textures, nature, current events, architecture, business and work, fail them, animals, travel, fashion, food and drinks, spirituality.
There's everything here. So if I go on travel, just look at travel. There is millions and billions of images on here. This is just an incredible resource that anyone can use to make their blog or their website really, really stand out using quality, quality images. So I definitely, definitely recommend going over to Unsplash and you can start downloading images immediately and even better make an account with them because then you can create your own little folders to keep all these images together.

There's no guessing work and everything looks as it should. So now we want to install your new theme and a theme is the look and feel of your website, how it functions and looks. And so let's go down to appearance and then themes here. And it's going to say that you've got active, the 2019 theme. We're not going to use that and it's a great theme. But for this new blog of yours, we are going to use something even better. I've done so much research into the best themes to use, and this is by far the best one right now. So it's called Astra. So type that in the search that will come up on the left here. Perfect. There it is. So now all you have to do is click on install and then activate it when you're ready.

Excellent. So now it says thank you for installing Astra. So let's click on get started. It's going to activate a couple of plugins that you need for this theme, doing it all for you, so no problems. Then it's going to ask you what page builder that you want to use. I'm going to go with Elementor. It's incredible. So let's go with element and click on next. And now it's going to take you to Astros' start ascites. And these are really amazing and there are so many amazing sites here that you can choose from. But again, I've done the work for you already. There's no need to guess which one to go for or to look into. These I have chosen the best one for you to use for your new blog and is right here. This is called the fashion lifestyle blog and it doesn't matter if it's fashion or lifestyle, you can use this blog for anything that you want to do.
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He is a Christ Believer who has passion in Jesus words and loves writing about Jesus, Word Of Esperience, Living a life in a Godly way and every words related with the bible. He is the Chief Editor of GodlyTutor.

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